新关注 > 信息聚合 > 遥遥无期 B社坦陈《上古卷轴6》开发尚未开始

遥遥无期 B社坦陈《上古卷轴6》开发尚未开始

Far from B club admits the elder scrolls 6 development has not started

2016-10-25 10:55:40来源: 新浪

《上古卷轴5:天际》重制版即将发售,对某些已经玩过的玩家来说,他们更期待《上古卷轴6》。然而一个不幸的消息是:《上古卷轴6》一点都还没有开发,即使是Pre-Alpha也没有。 B社市场副总Pete Hines在回答粉丝的提问时,回复说他的回复并不是公关式的敷衍和搪塞,而是《上古卷轴6...

The elder scrolls 5: the sky heavy plate making soon, for some players have played before, they are looking forward to "the elder scrolls 6". However is a bad news: "the elder scrolls 6" has not been developed at all, even the Pre - Alpha. Pete Hines B club market vice President in response to questions from fans, replied that his reply is not pr type elaborate and prevarication, but the elder scrolls 6...