新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郑州58中举办第二届校园美食节 丰富学生课余生活

郑州58中举办第二届校园美食节 丰富学生课余生活

Zhengzhou 58 held the second session of the campus food festival rich students after-school life

2015-10-01 16:58:30来源: 大河网

3块钱一串 快来买了啊 都烤焦了还吃的津津有味 大河网讯 9月30日下午,郑州第58中学在学院广场上举办了第二届校园美食节,全校2000多名师生一同参与了活动。 人潮涌动的校园广场 ...

3 pieces of money a string come buy ah, was singed also eat with relish river network on September 30 in the afternoon, Zhengzhou No. 58 middle school in college square held the second session of the campus food festival, the school more than 2000 students and teachers together to participate in the activities. The crowds of campus square...