新关注 > 信息聚合 > 华晨宇《我的滑板鞋2016》实力霸榜酷狗独家首发


Brilliance yu my skateboard shoes 2016 exclusive starting strength the list on the cool dog

2016-11-15 22:31:08来源: 千龙

这首曾被全国上下疯狂传唱的原曲《我的滑板鞋》,经由90后唱作鬼才华晨宇(花花)发挥“火星人”天马行空的想象力,倾尽洪荒之力逆天改编后,从微博到朋友圈、从国内到国外一度疯狂霸屏。 为了让众人彻底过足...

This song has been sung the nation crazy original song "my skateboard shoes", through the 90 before sing ZuoGui brilliance yu (flower) play "Martian" fantastical imagination, go against company prehistorical powers after adaptation, from weibo to friends, from domestic to abroad once crazy the screen on the planet. In order to let all completely is a...