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江苏:智障教育微课大赛 特级教师这样教孩子

Jiangsu: mentally retarded education class competition Appoints senior teachers to teach children

2016-11-16 01:24:10来源: 中国教育

绘画与手工活动课 近日,第三届江苏省智障教育微课大赛暨学校课程标准下的艺术教育课堂教学研讨活动在常州市光华学校举行,来自全省培智学校的200余名特教教师参加了本次研讨活动。会上,新的《培智学校义...

In painting and manual activity Recently, the third session of jiangsu province disabled micro class competition and school education under the curriculum standard of art education classroom teaching seminars held in changzhou guanghua school, from the entire province society-adaptation schools more than 200 special-education teachers attended the seminar. Conference, new society-adaptation schools of righteousness...