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360神秘新机亮相工信部:6GB内存 5.5寸屏

360 mysterious new machine debut Ministry: 6GB memory 5.5 inches screen

2017-01-01 21:09:35来源: TechWeb

日前,工信部出现了一款型号为1605-A01的360新机,该机最大的特色就是说配备了6GB内存。 从图片来看,新机颜值并不算突出,前置摄像头与光线传感器成对应设计,背面采用了金属拉丝后壳,指纹识别...

Recently, the Ministry has a model for the 360 1605-A01 new machine, the biggest feature of this machine is equipped with 6GB of memory. From the picture point of view, the new machine color value is not prominent, the front camera and light sensor into the corresponding design, the back of the metal drawing shell, fingerprint identification...