新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北森:互联网时代绩效管理加速发展的六大趋势


Beisen: to accelerate the development of performance management in the Internet age six trends

2015-06-04 18:31:23来源: 和讯网

“互联网+”的时代,企业的创新发展已从单纯的工具和技术创新,全面扩展到管理理念和模式的深层次创新、 并进而带动技术工具进行配套创新的加速创新循环。 绩效管理是企业战略落地的重要抓手,绩效管理的创...

Internet + times, innovation and development of enterprises have been from simple tools and technology innovation, comprehensive expansion to the management concept and mode of deep innovation, and drive the technological tools for supporting innovation to accelerate the innovation of circulation. Performance management is an important starting point for enterprise strategic landing, performance management and...