新关注 > 信息聚合 > 吃粽子喝雄黄酒玩笔记本乃人生一大快事


Eat zongzi, drinking realgar wine play notebook but a great delight in life

2015-06-19 17:50:48来源: 太平洋电脑网

神舟K650C-i5 完美高清屏体线条硬朗,彰显着游戏本的机械魅力,屏幕采用15.6英寸的完美高清屏,分辨率高达1920*1080,有着不俗的画面呈现能力,结合仿铝拉丝工艺的边框设计,手感很好,...

K650C-i5 perfect HD screen body lines tough, reveals the game the mechanical charm, with 15.6 inch perfect high screen screen, high resolution of 1920 * 1080, impressive picture representation, combined with faux aluminum wire drawing process of frame design, feel good,...