新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《铁血战神》将播 林永健携手李曼谱写乱世恋歌

《铁血战神》将播 林永健携手李曼谱写乱世恋歌

"Iron God of war" will broadcast Lin Yongjian to Li Man wrote gone love song

2015-01-04 11:34:02来源: 东北网

林永健 搜狐娱乐讯 由刘新执导,林永健、李曼、刘金山、鸿利等主演的近代革命传奇大戏《铁血战神》将于1月5日登陆上海新闻综合频道。该剧改编自军旅作家裴指海的小说《伤花怒放》,以主人公赵关克的经历为主...

Sohu Entertainment News Lin Yongjian, directed by Liu Xin, starring Lin Yongjian, Li Man, Liu Jinshan, the legendary drama Hongli modern revolution "hemosiderosis ares" will be landing in Shanghai news comprehensive channel in January 5th. The play adapted from military writer Pei Zhihai's novel "injury in full bloom", the hero Zhao Guanke experience...