新关注 > 信息聚合 > 25张超现实错视插画


25 Chao reality wrong as illustration

2015-06-26 09:07:57来源: 大河网

明明是不同的世界、明明是不同的故事,但是却完美的无缝衔接在一起,并且反复寻找来回查看,也难以分清明确的界线在哪里,这是由加拿大艺术家罗布·冈萨尔维斯(Robert Gonsalves)带来的一系列超...

is obviously a different world, clearly is a different story, but is the perfect seamless together and repeatedly to find and view, is also difficult to distinguish clear boundary where, which is brought about by the Canadian artist Rob Gonza Eivis (Robert Gonsalves) of a series of ultra...