新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杭长高铁辐射效应:赏美景品美食,一路向西南


Effect of Hangzhou High-speed Rail radiation: beauty products Food, a southwest direction

2014-12-09 07:13:31来源: 浙江在线

浙江在线12月09日讯 ( 钱江晚报记者/孙燕 吴崇远 梁津铭/制图 ) 2014年,进入了最后一个月,圣诞、元旦接踵而来,几天的小假期,坐着杭长高铁,能去哪儿玩乐? 去滕王阁,我们再也不用...

Zhejiang on December 9th news (reporter / Sun Yan Qianjiang Evening News Wu Chongyuan Liang Jinming / drawing) in 2014, entered the last month, Christmas, new year's day follow close on succession, several days of small vacation, sitting High-speed Rail involved, where can you play? Go to Pavilion of Prince Teng, we no longer...