新关注 > 信息聚合 > CGWR美女图集第二期:论游戏中的走光美学


CGWR beauty atlas second period: on the game exposed aesthetics

2014-12-20 16:31:30来源: 新浪

最后,放一个绝对不会引进国内的网游《女王之刃》的部分截图,很不幸的告诉大家,台服已经关闭,小朋友们如果想去玩的话,只能去日服和韩服了。 这期内容到此结束,小编已经下好韩服端,注册好韩服账号准备进去体验了。 CGWR排行榜:http://top.sina.com.cn

finally, some screenshots put an absolutely not the introduction of domestic network swims "Queen's blade", very unfortunate tell you, Taiwan has been closed, the kids if you want to go to play, only to the day and hanbok. This period is over, the small plait has good hanbok hanbok end, registered good account ready to go in experience. CGWR list: http://top.sina.com.cn

标签: 游戏