新关注 > 信息聚合 > 哈市中考考场做好迎考准备 考生座位间距80厘米以上

哈市中考考场做好迎考准备 考生座位间距80厘米以上

Senior high school entrance examination exam exam candidates for Harbin seat spacing of 80 cm or more

2017-06-25 19:56:39来源: 新浪新闻


25, nearly 60 thousand students will usher in the 2017 exam. Ha six principal He Wei told reporters, the school set up 34 examination room, in addition to the regular examination room, the test site also set up the spare examination room, in order to facilitate the special examinee reference. The examinee seat spacing is more than 80 centimeters, according to the vertical snake four row arrangement. In the interview, the reporter...