新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这画面不敢想!李连杰与马云同台打太极


This picture can't want to! With jet li and ma tai chi

2017-11-16 11:46:50来源: 凤凰娱乐

凤凰网娱乐讯 11月15日晚,中国电影报道官方微博曝光马云、李连杰、吴京亮相《功守道》揭幕战的现场视频。现场作为创始人的李连杰和马云纷纷介绍了功守道的创作初衷,李连杰表示,希望跟全球的年轻人和全球人去分享健康快乐,属于中国的太极,也属于世界的!据悉,《功守道》是马云的首部电影,虽然只有短...

Phoenix TV entertainment - late November 15, Chinese films reported official weibo exposure ma, jet li, wu at the work keep the opening game of the live video. Field as a founder of jet li and Mr. Ma, the thesis introduces the creation of work keep the original intention of li said, hope to go with young people from around the world and the world people share the joy and health, belong to the Chinese tai chi, also belong to the world! It is understood that the work keep way is Mr. Ma's first film, though only a short...