新关注 > 信息聚合 > 遇“假公招”?男子考上编内教师却领“编外工资”


In "fake male recruit"? "Irregular salary man admitted to teachers in staff have brought"

2017-02-09 15:13:40来源: 中国青年网

李洋签订的确实是事业单位合同 原标题:考上了“编内教师” 领到了“编外工资” 我遇到了假公招? 编制没“兑现” 2016年,李洋终于拿到“事业编制”身份。按照官方发布的招聘信息,他通过考...

Li Yang is indeed institution contract concluded by the original title: enter the "in staff teachers" received "irregular" wages I met fake male recruit? Compiled "cash" in 2016, li Yang finally get compiled "career" status. According to the official release recruitment information, through his exam...