新关注 > 信息聚合 > 范可新的眼神让人心疼!四年努力还是敌不过韩国主场


Fei new eyes let people love dearly! Hard or enemy but South Korea four years at home

2018-02-14 01:39:54来源: 澎湃新闻


In Chinese traditional women's short track speed skating 500 meters, fan can be both new and teammates QuChunYu was sentenced to foul out of the final, and fan can be a new way in the semi-final of time arrangement, is too strange... . Shanghai women's 500 meters short track speed skating World Cup final in 2015, van new gold. In the manager's view, fan can be started to act as a mainstay in the new role, she slowly accept the reality of you need assumes responsibility, also can gradually take...