新关注 > 信息聚合 > 学渣们惊呆了 全运跳高长跑冠军皆清华复旦高材生

学渣们惊呆了 全运跳高长跑冠军皆清华复旦高材生

Study of slag are shocked the whole operation high jump champion runners are the top students in Tsinghua University and Fudan

2013-09-12 15:17:03来源: 新浪


last night, the National Games track and field competition in Shenyang Olympic Sports Center micro-blog] down the curtain. The total transport field, there is a group of athletes particularly attract sb.'s attention. They come out of the ivory tower, in the National Games on Zhaijinduoyin; they learn, while training, but the achievements are not much worse than the occupation athlete. They are combined with the birth of the teaching body is the product of beautiful flowers, another channel mining athletic talent. Their success represents Chinese track people...