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王菲15年前性感辣照 网友赞赏:绝版美照!

Faye hot sexy 15 years ago, according to friends appreciated: print beauty shine!

2013-06-08 11:26:56来源: 中国青年网

新浪娱乐讯 据台湾媒体报道,歌坛天后王菲嗓音独特迷蒙,深受粉丝的欢迎,日前网络上惊曝一组她15年前的性感辣照,她难得露出修长美腿、纤细的柳腰和翘臀,相当魅惑;但网友看后留言回应:“女神还是一样清新,毫无邪念。” 在这组照片中,王菲除了“中空”露出小蛮腰,表情满是陶醉外;另外,她还穿着...

LOS ANGELES According to Taiwan media reports, the singer Faye Wong misty unique voice, by the fans welcome, Jing Bao 15 years ago, a group of her hot sexy photos on the Internet a few days ago, she rarely revealing slender legs, slender Bottom narrow waist and a considerable charm; but users see a message response:. "Goddess is still the same fresh, no evil" in this group photo, Faye addition to the "hollow" exposed waistline, face full of intoxicated outside; addition, She also wore ...