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Represent a new era of heroes

2016-12-25 05:36:17来源: 光明网

从神话传说中的战神刑天、二郎神杨戬到历史故事中的霍去病、戚继光,从近代的林则徐、石达开到现当代的董存瑞、黄继光,为英雄而歌,为英雄而写,始终是中国文艺悠久的传统。 然而一段时间以来,为英雄而歌的文艺创作传统似乎在弱化。我们的荧屏银幕上,比拼“颜值”的青春偶像剧大行其道,婆婆妈妈的家庭...

From myths and legends of the warlords torture day, er lang shen Yang Jian to historical stories of huo qubing, qi jiguang, from modern Lin zexu, ground in the area of modern and contemporary, huang jiguang, for the hero, a hero and writing, has always been a long tradition of literature and art in China. For some time, however, for the hero of the literary and artistic creation tradition seems to be weakening. Our television screen, competing "appearance level" of youth idol drama, her mother-in-law mother's family...