新关注 > 信息聚合 > 凭款APP 他要把三成劳动力变自由职业者?

凭款APP 他要把三成劳动力变自由职业者?

With APP change thirty percent labor freelancers who does he want?

2016-04-25 08:07:43来源: 亿邦动力网


[editor's note] the United States is self-employed about one-third of the Labour force, the hall was deeply touched by the data of two founders and pop-soul cyl ma jin. Contrast the development trend of domestic consumption, cyl ma jin and pop-soul judgment in abroad, domestic also will gradually appear a large number of freelancers, and personalized needs of aesthetics and experience higher. So, two people combined returned entrepreneurship, do a life kind of personalized service of C2C trading platform. Cyl ma jin told state power network, at present there are three types of hall's main business, one is the emotional kind of consulting, 2 it is extensive experience in consulting, such as looking for a professional HR planning, three is a generic interest class education, including small language, Musical Instruments and sports, etc. But hall's future not taking a vertical line, but rather to become a comprehensive service platform life. "Our judgment of the future is that the frequency will be more and more high demand for personalized, essentially we cut is people, not category. Because of the same group of people, in to buy...

标签: APP