新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英雄团孙悟空厉害吗? 孙悟空加点出装技巧解析

英雄团孙悟空厉害吗? 孙悟空加点出装技巧解析

Is Sun Wukong a hero? Sun Wukong add outfit analytical skills

2015-07-14 17:38:40来源: 4399

孙悟空是一个性质非常平衡的英雄,能进能退,既可以自由进入对方阵型,也可利用幻象平安逃生,无论是面对对方的坦克还是脆皮,一技能的减防特效都会让他的对手十分头痛,而有了大招的悟空更是有着极大的团队价值,是个非常适合骚扰和打乱对方阵型的英雄。 英雄名称:齐天大圣 孙悟空 英雄定位:刺客 ...

Monkey King is a very balanced hero, to enter and retreat, both can be free to enter each other's formation, but also using the illusion safe escape, whether it is in the face of the other side of the tank or crispy, skill of reduction and prevention effects will make his opponent is a headache, ultimate Goku is a great value in the team, is very suitable for harassment and disturb each other in the formation of the hero. Hero name: Monkey King Sun Wukong: Assassin heroes...