新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《西游伏妖篇》“周星驰”的招牌正在被透支?


The sign of "Stephen Chow" is being overdrawn.

2017-02-04 05:44:42来源: 国际在线

本版图片为资料片 周星驰正在成为春节档“常客”。只是,周星驰的红利还有多久?事实上,周星驰的最新作品《西游伏妖篇》,正表现出口碑与票房不匹配的情况。电影的豆瓣评分目前是5.6分,大部分观众认为影片特效炸裂到爆,但遗憾的是,剧情和表演都给人以一种“迷之尴尬”。 就像刘镇伟拍《越光宝...

Stephen Chow is becoming a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival. But, how long is Stephen Chow's bonus? As a matter of fact, Stephen Chow's latest work, "the West tour voles" is showing the mismatch between the export stele and the box office. The film's pea score is now 5.6 points, and most of the audience thinks the film has exploded, but it's a pity that both the plot and the performance are "embarrassed". Just like Jeffrey Lau took "Yue Bao".