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教程 | 如何用Python和机器学习炒股赚钱?

Tutorial how to use Python and machine learning to fry make money?

2017-07-04 17:59:35来源: 机器之心

相信很多人都想过让人工智能来帮你赚钱,但到底该如何做呢?瑞士日内瓦的一位金融数据顾问。Gatan Rickter 近日发表文章介绍了他利用 Python。和机器学习来帮助炒股的经验,其最终成果的收益...

Believe that many people thought that artificial intelligence to help you make money, but exactly how to do? An adviser to the financial data of Geneva, Switzerland. Gatan Rickter recently published an article about his use of Python. And machine learning to help fry the experience, the final results of income...