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Extreme tactility makes perfect game experience

2016-10-11 11:14:44来源: 多玩游戏

2016年9月15日开始的东京电玩展上,来自中国的游戏公司完美世界的展台吸引了大量的目光,因为,大家熟悉的《火炬之光》移动版终于要正式上线了。作为由知名游戏开发商RUNIC GAMES 和完美世界公司联合开发世界顶级ARPG游戏《火炬之光》(Torchlight)系列的正统续作,自去年E...

Began on September 15, 2016 Tokyo game show, perfect world game from China company booth attracted a lot of attention, because, the familiar "torch light mobile version is finally officially launched. As by the famous game developers RUNIC GAMES and perfect world company joint development of the world's top ARPG game "torch light (Torchlight) series of orthodox sequel, since last year's E...

标签: 游戏