新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦幻西游手游2018元宵猜节灯谜答案汇总


Fantasy westward journey mobile game section 2018 yuanxiao guess lantern riddles answers

2018-03-02 00:00:00来源: 人民网

梦幻西游手游2018元宵猜节灯谜活动已经上线了,相信小伙伴们都被这些不明所以的谜题难住了吧,那么下面就来一起看下梦幻西游手游猜灯谜答案吧。 梦幻西游手游2018元宵节猜灯谜答案大全: 动物名 1、小时像逗号,在水中玩耍。长大跳得高,捉虫是冠军(打一动物名)——巨蛙 2、挥动钳子一双,玩弄尖刀八把,一生霸道横行,总爱胡抓乱爬(打一动物名)——蟹将 3、无脚也无手,身穿鸡皮皱(打一动物名)——海毛虫 4、脚像细牛脚,身像大狗重。行象后生子,须象老大人(打一动物名)——羊 5、身子轻如燕,飞在天地间。不怕相隔远,也能把话传(打一动物名)——信鸽 6、一条小小虫,自己做灯笼,躲在灯笼...

Fantasy westward journey hand swim section 2018 yuanxiao guess lantern riddles activity has been launched, believe friends are these unknown so difficult puzzle, the following will see fantasy westward journey hand swim together to guess riddles answers. Fantasy westward journey mobile game 2018 Lantern Festival guess riddles answers: animals, 1 hour like a comma, playing in the water. Grow up jump high, catch insects are a champion (play move things) - a pair of giant frog 2, waving forceps, play with the knife eight, lifetime bully, always grasp the crawling hu (play move things) -- crab will 3, feet and hands, wearing a skin wrinkle (play move things) - sea mice 4 like small cattle, the feet, body is like a big dog. After line like children like a boss people (play move things) - 5, the body as light as yan, fly between heaven and earth. Not afraid to far apart, also can get words (play move things) - pigeons 6, a small insect, do your own lanterns, hiding the lanterns...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游