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《新三国战纪猛将传》Q武将酷炫绝招 霸气登陆战场

The new Knights of valour Reggie biography "Q generals cool trick domineering landing battlefield

2015-09-14 12:27:47来源: 逗游网

激乐游戏《新三国战纪猛将传》是一款以三国为背景的射击塔防类游戏,简单休闲的玩法让你随时随地都能玩上几把。而可爱的Q萌武将也是游戏的一大亮点,身怀酷炫无比的绝技,不愧是真的猛将喔! 当玩家完成新手任务正式进入游戏后,获得的第一个武将便是主公刘备。刘备拥有三个被动技能,可增加自己的HP、...

exciting music game new Knights of valour Reggie Zhuan is a to the Three Kingdoms as the background of the shooting tower defense games, simple casual game let you anytime, anywhere can play a few of the tour. And lovely Q Meng generals games is also a major bright spot, was pregnant with a cool incomparable skills, not the Kui is Reggie really Oh! When players complete the novice duty officially entered the game and won the first of two generals is the master Liu Bei. Liu Bei has three passive skills, can increase their HP,...