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《塞尔达无双 灾厄启示录》新预告:不为人知的记忆

The new notice of revelation of Selda's matchless calamity: unknown memory

2020-10-07 07:50:21来源: 游戏时光

  任天堂与光荣携手发布了《塞尔达无双 灾厄启示录》的新预告,标题为“100 年前不为人知的记忆”。  与标题相符的是,尽管本作与 2014 年的《塞尔达无双》同为衍生作品,但故事却不走平行世界的路子,剧情上偏向《塞尔达传说 旷野之息》的前传 —— 海拉尔王国遭到加侬袭击危在旦夕,而林克、塞尔达公和四位英杰联手抗争。  中字预告全片:  《塞尔达无双 灾厄启示录》即将于 2020 年 11 月 20 日发售。

Nintendo and glory jointly released a new preview of "the revelation of Zelda's matchless disaster," titled "the unknown memory of 100 years ago.". Consistent with the title, although this work and 2014's "Zelda matchless" are both derivative works, the story does not go parallel to the world. The plot is biased towards the prequel of the legend of Zelda: Hailar kingdom is in danger of being attacked by Ganon, while link, serda Gong and four heroes join hands to fight. Chinese Character Trailer: Revelation of the matchless disaster of Zelda will be on sale on November 20, 2020.