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再破外挂案 《穿越火线》全民反挂初显威

To break the plug case "through the fire" of national anti hanging at the beginning of Xianwei

2015-08-19 19:29:32来源: 电玩巴士

今年6月,《穿越火线》(简称:CF)上线反外挂主题站,鼓励全民举报非法软件,促进构建安全、公平的绿色游戏环境。不久后的6月25日,在热心玩家提供的线索帮助下,腾讯互娱安全管理中心配合江西上饶警方成功破获一起CF外挂软件案件,将制作、销售外挂工具 “CF炸房器”的嫌疑人王某抓获,进一步...

this year, the June, "through the fire" (referred to as: CF) on-line anti plug theme station, encouraging people to report illegal software, to promote the construction of safe, green fair game environment. Shortly after June 25th, in the help of the clues provided by the players, Tencent mutual entertainment security management center with Shangrao Jiangxi police successfully cracked the case of CF plug-in software, will be produced, the sale of plug-in tool CF deep fry the suspect Wang arrested, further...

标签: 穿越火线