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战争学院英雄体系详解 英雄怎么得怎么用

Institute of war hero hero system detailed how to

2015-08-14 19:13:55来源: 4399

战争学院包含百位玩家熟悉并喜欢的LOL英雄(目前开放20个),每个英雄都拥有自己独特的技能。 英雄可以通过任务、金币和钻石召唤、召唤师峡谷的宝箱等途径获得,获得方式有整卡(直接获得英雄)和魂石兑换两种。 装备 每个英雄都拥有6个对应固定装备的栏位,当栏位填满时,可以进阶英雄。进阶的英雄...

War College contains hundreds of players are familiar with and love the lol hero (currently open 20), each hero has their own unique skills. Heroes can through the task, gold and diamond call, call division Canyon Treasure waiting for access, get that way and there's the whole card (direct access to hero) and soul stone exchange two. Equipped with each hero has 6 corresponding to the fixed equipment of the field, when the field is filled, can Susumukai Hideo. Advanced hero...