新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《绝对领域》正式登陆4399游戏盒 玩出新花样

《绝对领域》正式登陆4399游戏盒 玩出新花样

The absolute field, the official landing 4399 game box play a new pattern

2015-08-13 11:40:37来源: 4399

8月13日《绝对领域》正式登陆4399游戏盒,其独特的二次元萌妹人物、诙谐幽默的剧情、特色游戏系统吸引着众多二次元爱好者,为了满足更多玩家对游戏新内容的期待,绝对领域将于8月13日开启新旅途,下面跟随小编一起抢先领略一下这次更新给我们带来的无穷乐趣吧。 《绝对领域》安卓版下载地址:ht...

8 month 13 game box, its unique two elements Meng sister characters, humorous drama, feature game system to attract a large number of two dimensional enthusiasts, in order to meet more players on the game new content, will open a new journey in August 13th, following a small series together to enjoy this update to bring us endless fun. "Absolute domain" Android version download address: ht...

标签: 游戏