新关注 > 信息聚合 > 超酷炫酸爽《暴走亚瑟王》 今日开启安卓封测

超酷炫酸爽《暴走亚瑟王》 今日开启安卓封测

Cool Hyun cool acid sorcerer King Arthur "opens today on 14 Ann Zhuo beta

2015-07-14 14:37:09来源: 4399

7月14日,《暴走亚瑟王》安卓删档封测圣耀开启!封测时间为7月14日—7月20日,精彩的活动,超酷炫酸爽的碎屏体验,《暴走亚瑟王》等你一起玩飞行空战! 《暴走亚瑟王》安卓版下载地址:http://a.4399.cn/game-id-84803.html 飞行空战玩法是《暴走亚瑟王》颠...

7 month, open the sorcerer King Arthur" Zhuo and delete files in the beta Yao Sheng. The beta period is July 14 - July 20, wonderful experience, dazzle cool cool acid broken screen, sorcerer King Arthur, you play with combat flying! Sorcerer King Arthur "Android version download address: http://a.4399.cn/game-id-84803.html flight combat gameplay is sorcerer King Arthur of Britain.

标签: 安卓