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《神武2》手游今日全平台公测 全新回合全新启航

"Shenwu 2" tour today the whole platform the new beta round new

2015-07-03 19:04:47来源: 游久网

西游回合快乐交友,《神武2》手游全平台公测,亿元豪礼等你来拿,这个暑假全新内容全新起航,欢度暑假,让《神武2》手游陪你一起。 全面公测 豪礼相送: 线上活动赢取线上线下礼品,亿元豪礼等待你来赢取,只要你达到一定的活跃度那么就会获得抽奖机会,亿元大奖只等你来抽取。 亿元豪礼等你来...

westward journey round happy friends set sail, the Shenwu 2 "travel the whole platform beta, billion yuan ho ceremony for you to take the this summer new content new sail, celebrate the summer, let" Shenwu 2 "tour to accompany you. Full open beta Hao polite you bask: online activities to win the line on the line at the gift and billion Yuan Hao Li waiting for you to win, as long as you reach certain active degree so you will get the opportunity to draw, billion yuan of award only you to extract. Million Yuan Hao Li and so you come...

标签: 手游