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英雄就应该去战斗 《屠龙勇士》评测

Hero should go to fight the Dragon Warrior evaluation

2015-06-17 15:09:48来源: 4399

在阿尔特里亚大陆上,一个久远的国度,原本国富民强,却被从天而降的飞龙搞的不得民不聊生,从此黑暗笼罩着整个大陆,等待着开启救世之光的勇者到来。今天小编要为大家介绍的这款敏捷游戏《屠龙勇士》中,我们将担负起拯救世界的重任,用手中的武器消灭所有魔族,让神圣之光重洒大地。 游戏采用了2D竖版的...

in Altria, and a distant country, was originally a wealthy and strong country, the dragon was falling from the sky not people living in dire poverty, from darkness enveloped the whole, and waiting for the opening of the light of salvation of the arrival of the brave. Today Xiaobian to introduce this agile game called dragon warrior, we will assume the task of saving the world, with weapons in the hands of destroy all the demons, let the divine light weight onto the earth. Game using the 2D vertical version of the...