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《风暴英雄》骷髅王 武僧 盗宝哥布林曝光

The hero of the Storm King Leoric monk steal treasure goblins exposure

2015-06-18 03:05:40来源: 17173

【17173整理报道】 暴雪在今日的E3 PC Gaming Show上,《风暴英雄》公布了最新的主题战场“永恒之战”的宣传影片,同时也曝光了即将推出的暗黑悉英雄骷髅王和武僧。 在此项活动中,暴雪还谈到骷髅王的技能,他的技能包括幽灵重生,意指当角色死亡后,他会变成鬼魂,虽然此时他...

[17173 reports finishing] blizzard in today's E3 PC gaming show, the hero of the storm announced the latest battlefield theme of the eternal war propaganda film, but also exposed the upcoming dark noted hero skeleton king and monks. In this activity, Blizzard also talks about the skills of the skeleton king, his skills including the ghost rebirth, meaning when the role died, he will become ghosts, although at this time he...