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饮酒护宝包粽子 大话2端午节惊喜不断

Guard treasure zongzi big 2 Dragon Boat Festival surprise continuous

2015-06-18 03:05:40来源: 新浪

端午节马上就要到了,五月端午怎么能少得了菖蒲酒和彩缕粽。6月20日至6月22日,《大话西游2免费版 》端午节特别活动广邀各界侠士,加入盛大端午祭。饮酒护宝包粽子,多种新鲜玩法惊喜不断,还有龙之骨、凝魂珠等丰厚奖励在等着你哦! 官方入口 端午祭祀 端午节马上就要到了,各位少侠准备...

the Dragon Boat Festival soon to drink, may the dragon boat how can less the Changpu wine and color wisp dumplings. From June 20th to June 22nd, "Westward Journey 2 free version of" Dragon Boat Festival special events invited from all walks of life to join a Grand Knight, the Dragon Boat festival. Drink Bao Bao Bao Zi, a variety of fresh gameplay surprise, as well as dragon bone, condensate soul beads and other generous reward waiting for you oh! The official entrance of dragon boat sacrifice the Dragon Boat Festival is coming, you ready to shaoxia...