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《先驱者》发售当天加入XGP 主机阵容

Pioneer joined XGP host lineup on the day of launch

2021-03-15 23:24:35来源: 游戏时光

微软宣布,Square Enix 发行的第三人称射击游戏《先驱者》将在发售当天,也就是 4 月 1 日加入到 Xbox Game Pass 主机端+云游戏端。《先驱者》是一款支持 3 人联机的合作射击游戏。游戏的故事背景处于一个原创的黑暗且绝望的科幻宇宙中,玩家要穿梭于于各个危险星球来追查神秘的讯号,期间将穿越第一城市的贫民窟与棚户区,并跨越森林、山坡与沙漠。来源:Xbox

Microsoft announced that the third person shooter "pioneer" released by square Enix will be added to the Xbox game pass console + cloud game terminal on the day of its release, that is, April 1. "Pioneer" is a cooperative shooting game that supports 3 people online. The story of the game is set in an original dark and desperate sci-fi universe. Players have to travel to various dangerous planets to track down mysterious signals. During this period, they will cross the slums and shantytowns of the first city, and across forests, hillsides and deserts. Source: XBOX