新关注 > 信息聚合 > 讣告:日本动画大师大塚康生逝世


Obituary: Japanese animator Yasunari Otsuka dies

2021-03-15 22:22:55来源: 游戏时光

根据日媒报道,铃木敏夫在 TAAF2021 颁奖典礼上透露,日本动画大师大冢康生于今日(3 月 15 日)上午逝世,享年 89 岁。大冢康生在 1957 年加入东映动画,参与过日本第一部彩色动画《白蛇传》的制作。他曾与高畑勋、宫崎骏多次合作,创作了《太阳王子霍尔斯的大冒险》《熊猫家族》、《未来少年柯南》、《鲁邦三世》系列动画等作品,并在其中担当作画监督、监制等重要职务。现在日本业界知名的动画人,比如宫崎骏、贞本义行、田中敦子、宇都宫理、近藤喜文、板垣伸等,都曾接受过大冢康生的指导。来源:moviewalker

Japanese animator Yasukuni Otsuka died this (March 15) morning at the & amp; nbsp; taaf2021 awards ceremony at the age of 89, according to Japanese media reports. Yasunari Otsuka joined toying animation in 1957 and participated in the production of Japan's first color animation the legend of the white snake. He has cooperated with Takahata Hsun and Hayao Miyazaki for many times to create a series of animations such as "the great adventure of the sun Prince hols", "the panda family", "future young Conan" and "Lubang III", in which he plays an important role in painting supervision and production supervision. Nowadays, the famous animators in Japanese industry, such as Hayao Miyazaki, Yoshihiko masamoto, doniko Tanaka, YUDO miyori, Yoshifumi Kondo, Shinichi iwaki and so on, have received the guidance of Yasunari Otsuka. Source: moviewalker