新关注 > 信息聚合 > 专访短道男队新锐陈光:走过叛逆期 上海站终圆梦

专访短道男队新锐陈光:走过叛逆期 上海站终圆梦

Interview Short Track Men's cutting-edge Chen: through a rebellious phase ShangHai Railway Station end of dreams

2014-12-15 12:12:13来源: 新浪

陈光生活照 新浪体育讯 在2014-15赛季短道速滑世界杯上海站中国男队的阵容里,陈光的名字赫然在列,这是他的第一次世界杯之旅,但以新人身份出战的他其实已经有着三年的国家队训练经历了。作为与韩天...

Chen light life according to sina sports dispatch in the 2014-15 season Short Track Speed Skating World Cup in ShangHai Railway Station China men's team lineup, Chen Guang name impressively in the column, this is his first World Cup, but with a new identity for him in fact already with three years of national team training experience. As with the Han day...