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造梦西游4寒山坡在哪里 怎么进

Dream swims on the west 4 cold hillside where how to enter

2016-03-16 18:20:06来源: 4399

439造梦西游4寒山坡在哪里 造梦西游4寒山坡怎么进 造梦西游4寒山坡是北俱芦洲的主线关卡。需要通关苍梧渊关卡后才能开启寒山坡的关卡。 寒山坡里居住着两只BOSS:辟寒大王与辟暑大王

439 dreaming Journey 4 cold hillside where made dream swims on the west 4 cold hill to build dream swims on the west 4 cold hill is North Ju Lu Zhou line level. Need to open the gate of Cangwu customs, cold hill level. Hanshan is home to two BOSS slope: the monarch king and the monarch King