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日本首次拍摄到“夜光云” 或因气候变暖(图)

Japan for the first time to shoot "clouds" or because of climate warming (Figure)

2015-06-30 17:15:50来源: 人民网

日本首次拍摄到“夜光云”。 中新网6月30日电 据日媒报道,日本北海道大学低温科学研究所等的研究团队本月30日宣布,在北海道成功拍摄到名为“夜光云”的特殊云层。据悉,这是日本国内首次有记录地观测到“夜光云”。相关研究者指出,这或与地球变暖相关。 据报道,当地时间本月21日凌晨,北...

Japan for the first time to shoot "noctilucent clouds". Beijing, June 30, according to Japanese media reports, Japan Hokkaido University Institute of low temperature science, the research team on the 30th of this month announced that in Hokkaido successfully captured called noctilucent cloud of clouds. It is reported, this is Japan's first recorded observed "noctilucent clouds". The researchers noted that this is or is related to the warming of the earth. According to reports, local time 21 am, north...