新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三丽鸥威浪联手通耀打造《Hello Kitty星光乐园(..

三丽鸥威浪联手通耀打造《Hello Kitty星光乐园(..

Sanrio wave through together Yao to create a "Hello Kitty starlight Park (..

2015-07-15 17:22:58来源: 不凡游戏网

上海通耀信息科技有限公司(Access Bright,以下简称“通耀”)日前与日本三丽鸥威浪(sanriowave)签约,获日本三丽鸥总部(三丽欧威浪的母公司株式会社三丽鸥拥有版权)的国际级超人气I...

Shanghai Yao Information Technology Co., Ltd. (access bright, hereinafter referred to as" glorious ") recently, signed with the Japanese Sanrio wave (sanriowave) won Japan Sanrio headquarters, the European San Li Weilang parent company Co., Ltd. Sanrio owns the copyright of the Superman gas I...