新关注 > 信息聚合 > 决策分析:美元大爆发 欧元、英镑惨成“难兄难弟”

决策分析:美元大爆发 欧元、英镑惨成“难兄难弟”

Decision analysis: $outbreak the euro, the pound miserably into "equals"

2017-02-08 04:31:59来源: 新浪

原标题:决策分析:美元大爆发 欧元、英镑惨成“难兄难弟” 2月7日15:00至22:30 汇市概况:周二(2月7日)欧盘,美元多头迎来大爆发,最高触及100.72,势将创下录得三周以来的最大涨...

Original title: decision analysis: a large outbreak of the euro, the pound miserably into "equals" February 7 15:00 ~ 22:30 currency situation: on Tuesday (Feb. 7) plate, the dollar bulls have outbreak, the highest reached 100.72, set to hit a record for the three weeks of the rally...