新关注 > 信息聚合 > 影像市场寻求转机 数码单反市场增长稳定

影像市场寻求转机 数码单反市场增长稳定

Imaging market seek opportunity digital SLR market growth and stability

2013-11-04 00:26:02来源: 天极网

经历了近一年的市场调整,影像行业的变化也开始日趋的明朗化。面对沉重的打击,数码相机企业在开发上却表现得惊人地顽强。创造新市场――这或许正是走同质化路线的智能手机需要学习的地方。 10月18日,富士胶片在东京都内召开了数码相机新品发布会。就在大家聚精会神,等待该公司针对日渐侵占数码相机...

experienced nearly a year of market adjustment, the image changes of industry also began to gradually clear. In the face of a heavy blow, digital camera enterprises in development but was surprisingly strong. Create new markets -- this is perhaps the intelligent mobile phone go homogenization route learning takes place. In October 18th, Fuji film in Tokyo held a new conference digital camera. Everyone in the company to concentrate one's attention on, waiting for the growing encroachment of digital camera...