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少年命丧戒治网瘾学校 专家:对网戒机构应设国家标准

To hit the ring to treat Internet addiction school expert: network organization should establish the national standards

2018-04-23 00:00:00来源: 人民网

4月16日,位于山东省济南市天桥区的山东雅博教育培训学校(以下简称雅博教育)发生一起命案,学校两名教员在控制一名13岁学生的过程中致该学生窒息死亡。该案发生后,引起网民的广泛关注,学校更多虐待学生的内情也不断被披露出来。 “上边有要求,必须把照片删了,否则别想走。”一个保安不让前来采访的记者上车,一个保安叫人“声援”。4月21日,《法制日报》记者来到雅博教育采访,因为大门紧闭,便拍了几张外围照片,遭到学校保安的拦截。直到接到报警的民警赶到现场,记者才得以脱身。拦截记者的保安说学校已经停止办学,所有学生都被遣返。 13岁少年命丧戒治网瘾培训学校 济南市委宣传部发布的通报显示,4月16日1...

On April 16, which is located in shandong province education training school held in shandong jinan tianqiao area yobo kills education) held (hereinafter referred to as "yobo, two school faculty in the control process of a 13 year old students to the students. After the case occurs, cause the extensive concern of Internet users, in the school more abuse has been revealed. "Has required above, must put the photos deleted, or you don't want to go." A security guard doesn't let to reporters get on the bus, a security guard "solidarity". On April 21, the legal daily reporter education held in yobo interview, because the door is closed, it took a few pictures outside, was intercepted by the school security. Until a call police rushed to the scene, the reporter was able to get away. Intercept reporters security said that schools have stopped, all students are repatriated. Young hit the ring to treat Internet addiction training school at the age of 13 Jinan municipal party committee propaganda department report released on April 16, 1...