新关注 > 信息聚合 > 关注世界肝炎日:约10%乙肝患者可治愈


Concerned about World Hepatitis Day: about 10% hepatitis B patients can be cured.

2016-07-27 21:09:09来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 在很多人看来,乙肝是慢性病,永远摆脱不了吃药的命运。重庆医科大学附属第二医院感染科主任张大志教授指出,这其实是个错误的观点,通过接受科学规范的治疗,慢性乙肝患者的病情是可以得到有效控制,约...

In many people's eyes, hepatitis B is a chronic disease and can never get rid of the fate of taking medicine. Professor Zhang Dazhi, Director of Infection Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, pointed out that this is actually a wrong view. By receiving scientific and standardized treatment, chronic hepatitis B patients can be effectively controlled.