新关注 > 信息聚合 > 酷派千元指纹手机 酷派锋尚Pro开启京东预售

酷派千元指纹手机 酷派锋尚Pro开启京东预售

Cool thousand yuan Pro mobile phone cool fingerprint front is open Jingdong

2015-05-12 20:47:32来源: 天极网

5月11日下午,酷派在北京举办了手机媒体品鉴会,随即酷派宣布新品手机酷派锋尚Pro正式上市。相比起之前的上一代酷派锋尚,锋尚Pro不仅仅添加了指纹识别,在其他方面也均有提升,官方宣称这是最懂用户的指纹识别手机。 酷派锋尚Pro真机图 酷派锋尚Pro配备了按压式指纹识别,该指纹识别模...

5 Sept. 11 in the afternoon, cool in Beijing held a mobile phone media tasting, immediately announced the new mobile phone cool cool front is Pro officially listed. A cool front than before is, front is Pro not only add fingerprint recognition, in other areas also have improved, the official claim that this is the most mobile phone users understand the fingerprint identification. The front is the cool cool Pro Pro real machine diagram front is equipped with press type fingerprint, the fingerprint identification module...

标签: 京东