新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这个新的PC游戏平台允许你转卖数字版游戏


This new PC gaming platform allows you to sell digital version of the game

2018-01-17 14:05:50来源: 游戏时光

我们都知道,和实体版游戏比起来,数字版游戏一个重要的特点就是无法转卖出去。但在这个即将上线的 Robot Cache 游戏平台,不仅拥有和其他所有游戏平台一样的功能,更重要的是它将允许玩家之间交易数字版游戏。在这个平台上,当你成功卖出一款曾经属于自己的数字游戏时,这笔交易的25%将转换成你钱包里名为“Iron”的货币,它可以用来购买更多游戏或者换成现金,另外70%将会由游戏的开发商与发行商获得,这在一定程度上保证了开发者的利益,最后5%将由平台抽成。此外,Robot Cache 平台的发行总体抽成也比 GOG 和 Steam 等玩家们现在熟知的大型 PC 游戏平台更低。后者将从每笔交...

As we all know, compared with entity version of the game, digital version of the game is an important characteristic is unable to sell them. But in this upcoming online & have spent Robot Cache gaming platform, not only has all gaming platform and other functions, more important is that it will allow players to exchange between digital version of the game. On the platform, when you successfully sell a used to belong to own digital game, 25% of the deal will be converted into your wallet, called "Iron" currency, it can be used to buy more games or cash, the other 70% will be received by game developer and publisher of this to a certain extent, guarantee the interests of developers, the final 5% will smoke into the platform. In addition, the Robot Cache platform releases are than GOG and overall pumping into Steam and other players now known as the major PC gaming platform is lower. The latter is delivered from every...

标签: 游戏 PC