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同名小说改编手游《完美世界3D》 显微镜下的洪荒..

Hand tour of the same name novel "Perfect World 3D" under the microscope prehistoric ..

2016-01-28 18:06:39来源: 任玩堂

不久前,完美世界公布了旗下 2016 手游新作《完美世界3D》,该作由辰东正版授权并担任游戏监制。今日,游戏的部分场景正式曝光,下面我们一起了解一下这些场景吧。 石村是故事主角“小不点”长大的地方,这里平凡又安逸,虽然并不华丽但看起来却十分牢固,并且由于柳神的存在,柳树也变成了必不可少...

Not long ago, Perfect World announced its new 2016 mobile games as "Perfect World 3D", the game served as a producer and authorized by the Chen Dong genuine. Today, the game's official part of the scene exposure, Here we look at these scenes it. Ishimura is the protagonist of the story, "little girl" grew up, where ordinary and cozy, though not flashy, but it looks very strong, and because of the presence of God, willow, willow has become essential ...

标签: 手游 完美世界