新关注 > 信息聚合 > 狂欢不用等,全民疯抢荣耀配件,最高直降200元


Carnival without etc, a crazy grabbed glory accessories, highest straight down 200 yuan

2017-11-07 16:38:27来源: DoNews


"Double 11" is coming, each big brands are jingdong, Tmall electric business platform opens the heavy promotional campaign, and consumers for huge annual discount is also see happy smell, will my goods arriving in the early in the shopping cart, will my goods arriving early in the shopping cart, waiting for the "double 11" zero order payment. As a company with a young person, the pursuit of perfection the glory of science and technology, natural won't miss the annual feast. This year, the glory accessories let everyone enjoy the "double 11" carnival in advance. On November 1 - on November 10, glory accessories full 5 fold, the highest straight down 200 yuan, seconds kill the hour, bask in single and polite, have to buy a gift more style emerge in endlessly, want to take advantage of this "double 11" with preferential price to buy the right accessories, glory is ready for you. Don't have to stay up until zero, don't worry about speed not fast enough, "world carnival" in advance. One of the most watched a few...