新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《穿越火线:枪战王者-火线大乱斗》评测:新内容..


"Through the line of fire: shooting king - wire ported" review: new content..

2016-03-17 13:48:39来源: 任玩堂

《穿越火线:枪战王者》是经典 PC 端射击游戏《穿越火线》的移动版本,而此前任玩堂曾对游戏做出了相关的评测。尽管要在手机上流畅体验射击快感是一件较难的事情,不过游戏本作在端游版的基础上做了不少优化,加上内容方面也是沿袭端游版,整体素质还是比较出色。而如今游戏的全新版本“火线大乱斗”也已经...

"Through the line of fire: shooting king" is a classic PC shooter "through wire" mobile version, and ren play hall has made relevant evaluation on the game. Although flow experience shooting pleasure to on the phone is a more difficult matter, but this game on the tour edition did a lot of optimization, on the basis of combined with content is also follow the version, the overall quality is good. Now in a new version of the game "fireline ported" also has...

标签: 穿越火线