新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《Apex英雄》已封禁作弊玩家近50万


The Apex hero has banned cheating players to nearly 500000

2019-03-20 11:35:31来源: 游戏时光

在一系列迅速和果断的在线反作弊机制中,重生娱乐已经对《Apex英雄》的作弊者们有所打压。前段时间,《Apex英雄》就封禁了超过35.5万名的作弊玩家。而到了3月20日,这个数字已经攀升到了近50万。更准确的说,已经统计出来的被封禁玩家有 499937名。在最近的一次更新日志中,重生娱乐简要介绍了自己在反作弊方面所作出的种种努力。由于官方的封禁行为仍将持续下去,在本周内,被封禁玩家的总数量将会超过50万人,约占到玩家总数的1%。重生娱乐的社区管理员Jay Frechette表示,为了制止部分玩家的作弊行为,《Apex英雄》已经上线了一种全新的举报机制。PC版的玩家们现在可以直接在观战界面中举报作...

In a series of online quickly and decisively against cheating mechanism, rebirth entertainment has on the Apex hero on the cheaters. Recently, the Apex hero banned cheat more than 355000 players. On March 20, the number has climbed to nearly 500000. More accurately, has been calculated is banned player with 499937. In a recent update log, rebirth entertainment themselves are briefly introduced in the efforts made by cheating ways. Because of official banned behavior will still continue, within this week, a player be banned the total number of more than 500000 people, about 1% of the total number of players. Rebirth of entertainment community manager Jay Frechette said to stop cheating behaviour on the part of the player, the Apex hero has launched a new reporting mechanism. The PC version of the players can now directly in watching interface to report for...

标签: 玩家